Nordhavn to serve as laboratory and international showroom for Danish energy technology

Friday 12 Dec 14


Jacob Østergaard
Professor, Head of Division
DTU Wind
+45 45 25 35 01

Scandinavia's largest urban development project

Nordhavn is Scandinavia's largest urban development project. Over the next 50 years, Nordhavn will be expanded into a sustainable urban area with 40,000 new residents and 40,000 new jobs. Nordhavn will spearhead the realization of Copenhagen's ambitious goal of becoming the world's first climate-neutral capital.

Project participants: DTU, City of Copenhagen, HOFOR, DONG Energy, CPH City & Port Development, ABB, Balslev, CleanCharge, METRO THERM, Glen Dimplex and the PowerLab facilities. In addition, the cluster organization CLEAN will contribute with the involvement of mostly small and medium-sized Danish companies which can exploit Nordhavn to promote their technology and business development.
Funded by a large grant from EUDP, Nordhavn in Copenhagen will be hosting an urban laboratory which is to demonstrate future energy solutions in the field of electricity, heating and transport.

EUPD (Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme) has decided to support the EnergyLab Nordhavn research and demonstration project. A consortium headed by DTU will show how electricity and heating, energy-efficient buildings and electric transport can be integrated into an intelligent and optimized energy system.

The project will demonstrate how to efficiently convert the energy system to ensure integration and optimal utilization of renewable energy. The project has a total budget of DKK 129 million, of which DKK 77 million is granted by EUDP.

This is the first collaboration of this magnitude to be established between relevant stakeholders from authorities, utility companies, industry and knowledge institutions with the aim of developing energy solutions. The initiator of the project is DTU in collaboration with a consortium comprising the City of Copenhagen, HOFOR, DONG Energy, CPH City & Port Development, ABB, Balslev, CleanCharge, METRO THERM, Glen Dimplex and the PowerLab facilities.

Efficient conversion of the energy system
"In EnergyLab Nordhavn, researchers, businesses and authorities will work together to deliver up-to-date knowledge. The project will not only contribute to ensuring efficient conversion of the energy system, but also serve as a basis for business development and utilization of DTU's and Denmark's position as a global frontrunner in the field of intelligent energy solutions benefiting businesses, society and the environment," says Anders Bjarklev, DTU President.

The aim of EnergiLab Nordhavn is to develop new innovative business models, new energy technologies and intelligent operating solutions, such as integrated and flexible energy markets, coordinated operation of electricity and heating systems, energy storage, energy-efficient buildings—subject to immediate optimization in relation to energy markets—and technologies offering flexible switching between energy sources. The aim is for tomorrow's sustainable, densely populated energy-efficient cities all over the world to benefit from the solutions.

"To exploit Denmark's leading position in the area of intelligent energy solutions, we need large demonstration projects like EnergyLab Nordhavn, where solutions can be tested and adjusted in the real world. We expect the project to generate new patentable products and attract companies offering energy technologies. But we also expect EnergyLab Nordhavn to provide high international visibility to Copenhagen and Nordhavn and promote Danish energy solutions internationally," says Torkil Bentzen, Chairman of EUDP.

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