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01 NOV

Digital foundation of future energy needed

Contribution i Altinget: Research holds the key to the future of green energy systems, but the national focus needs to be on the digital operating system that will connect...

Energy efficiency Energy storage Energy production Energy technology Energy systems Solar energy Wind energy IT systems
En række forsøg og erfaringer med at sænke temperaturerne i danske fjernvarmesystemer indgår som en central del af grundlaget for en ny international håndbog om lavtemperaturfjernvarme. Bogens forside viser et foto af fremløbs- og returtemperaturer i Marstal Fjernvarmeværk, som får over halvdelen af sin energi fra et solvarmeanlæg. (Illustration: Maryna Miliushchanka. Foto: Sven Werner).
17 SEP

Low-temperature district heating can save over EUR 14 billion in Europe annually

Researchers at DTU have participated in the preparation of a new international guidebook on how best to lower temperatures in district heating systems. The authors of the...

Energy efficiency Energy production Energy systems Fossil fuels Power stations Solar energy Building design Indoor climate
27 MAY

Platform for managing smart digital energy systems

Digitalization of our energy systems has increased the need for a better overview of the data and their uses. At the same time, heightened data integrity and cybersecurity...

Energy technology Energy efficiency Energy systems Solar energy Wind energy Energy production
02 MAR

Major new partnership to solve future energy challenges

A large new Danish-Swedish collaboration aims to tackle one of the major challenges of the green transition: to use renewable solar and wind energy intelligently and flexibly...

Solar energy Wind energy Energy systems CO2 separation and CO2 storage
24 JUN

Tomorrow’s power grid should be intelligent

A new Danish-Indian project will enable the power grid to sense and compensate for loss of electricity and fluctuating input from renewable energy sources.

Energy systems Solar energy
DTU researchers are testing the integration of renewable energy in the test laboratory on DTU Risø Campus. Photo: Torben Nielsen.
27 DEC

The birthplace of tomorrow’s energy system

In an expanded and ambitious test laboratory, researchers will develop a flexible energy system based on many different technologies that will provide heat and electricity...

Energy systems Solar energy
PowerLabDK facilities
25 APR

PowerLabDK prepares for the digital energy future

In collaboration with the IT department of DTU, PowerLabDK has just invested in a large supercomputer as the first element of a soon-to-be-launched new Digital Energy Lab...

Electrical engineering Energy technology Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy systems Solar energy Wind energy IT systems
IDE4L Group
20 APR

Great results for active distribution network automation

“Ideal Grid for All” was the vision of a project collaboration between 13 European academic and industrial organisations – a vision that is now very close to becoming a...

Electrotechnology Electrical engineering Energy technology Wind energy Solar energy Power stations Energy systems Energy production Energy storage Energy efficiency Electricity supply
DTU Electric Vehicles
03 APR

New project on large scale electrical vehicle integration

A new project just got officially funded and will run between April 2017 and March 2020. The Project is called Across Continents Electric Vehicle Services (ACES) and intends...

Electrotechnology Energy technology Wind energy Solar energy Energy systems Energy production Energy storage Energy efficiency Electricity supply Electrical engineering
01 MAR

EnergyLab Nordhavn demonstrates first grid integrated battery storage in Denmark

Later this afternoon a large battery connected to the main grid in Nordhavn is officially inaugurated. The battery is part of the EnergyLab Nordhavn project, developing...

Energy technology Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy storage Energy production Energy systems Solar energy Wind energy

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