

DTU Elektro   

Center for Electrical Power and Engineering
DTU Electrical Engineering
 (Risø & Lyngby)

DTU diplom


Center for Bachelor of Engineering Studies
DTU Diplom

bornholm energi & forsyning logo  
Bornholms Energi & Forsyning (website in Danish) 

PowerLabDK is established and operated in close collaboration with leading stakeholders from the energy industry. The stakeholders have supported the platform and form the PowerLabDK steering committee:

Hitachi ABB          Dansk energi logo          Ørsted logo       NKT logo

energinet logo        ibm logo       Siemens Energy       hofor logo


bornholms regionskommune logo        region sjælland logo        green labs logo        hovedstadens vækstforum logo        eudp logo

Memberships and strategic collaborations

DERlab logo

The PowerLabDK is a member of European Distributed Energy Resources Laboratories e.V. DERlab.

DERlab is an association of leading laboratories and research institutes in the field of distributed energy
resources, equipment and systems.

iEnergi logo   DERri logo   CLEAN logo   state of Green logo
27 JULY 2024