PowerLabDK - research collaboration

Research Collaboration

We offer free of charge match-making and help you find the right researcher or company partner for your project.

PowerLabDK is tightly linked with the Danish energy industry and the academic environments at the Technical University of Denmark. PowerLabDK can help you enter into R&D development projects. Furthermore we can help you identify the most relevant public funding opportunities and coordinate or assist in development of research projects and proposals. Based on our extensive network with universities, GTS-institutions, industry and energy companies and large group of leading experts we will ensure the best possible value for you.

View selected collaborations below or see more research projects at Center for Electric Power and Energy

Examples of research projects

energy lab nordhavn         View IDE4L website    

ecogrid 2.0 logo              iPower             SCAPP logo              View the Parker projects website

contact us about research collaboration
27 JULY 2024