PowerLabDK - electric vehicle lab

Electric Vehicle Lab

The Electric Vehicle Lab (EV Lab) has been established to support a wide array of EV integration and technology services. The lab is specialised within two core areas:

1. Electric vehicle power system integration: Covers the electric connection between an electric vehicle and the electrical network to which it connects. This includes smartgrid, interoperability and power measurement studies.

2. Electric vehicle enabling technology: Covers the electric components and technologies important to the operation, performance and cost of the electric vehicle. This includes R&D and equipment testing.

 PSI areas  ET areas


  • Electric vehicles
    Serial produced and open platforms.

  • Electric vehicle charging infrastructure
    Serial produced and open platforms

  • Lab space and interfaces
    Dedicated lab space and interface to other PowerLabDK facilities.

  • Metering equipment and databases
    Logging equipment in vehicles, infrastructure and backend systems.

  • Test equipment
    Testing towards contemporary EV standards.


NIKOLA Ausage patterns  Electric measurements and analysis
 NIKOLA standardization
Infrastructure interoperability
 NIKOLA Grid Service
Smart grid integration

Industry collaborations and projects

enel logo           PSA groupe logo           energinet.dk logo

 endesa logo        Thiim logo        Nissan logo        Nuvve logo
