PowerLabDK - high voltage lab

High Voltage Lab

High voltage tests are required in connection with power equipment, which in use can be exposed to high electric voltages or currents.

  • Applied voltages are AC, DC or impulses in order to simulate real conditions, including lightning and other overvoltages.
  • Component Design, Modeling and Verification: Optimized utilization of the power system and its advanced components are required in the future power grid.
  • Design with application of latest technologies to components within wind power and other sustainable energy systems.
  • Modeling is required for characterization, performance assessments and system interaction of equipment.
  • Verification ensures reliable results by means of testing, measurement and monitoring in the laboratory and in the power system. 

High Voltage Lab - Technical Specifications

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High Voltage Lab Location

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Technical University of Denmark
Building 329, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Joachim Holbøll
Professor, Head of Studies
DTU Wind
+45 45 25 35 15
27 JULY 2024