Technical Specifications

Electric vehicles


EV Lab has access to an ever-growing vehicle fleet – all accessible for EV lab services.

EV Lab

  • Serial produced electric vehicles (Nissan, Peugeot, Renault)
  • Open hardware/software electric vehicles (DTU developed)

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure


A large number of both public and lab-based charging spots can be used for EV Lab services.

EV Lab

  • Serial produced electric vehicle charging infrastructure (RWE, ABB, etc.)
  • Open hardware/software electric vehicle supply equipment (DTU developed)

Lab space and interfaces

EV Lab both includes dedicated research areas – as well as interfaces to the rest of PowerLabDK

EV Lab

  • B117, DTU Risø, 50m2+ floor space, Interface to other facilities via SYSLAB busbars (AC 43 kW) and nodes. This lab also grants access to battery storage units.
  • B329A, DTU Lyngby, Dedicated room, Interface to other facilities via Lab cells (AC 43 kW – Upgrade possible for up to 1 MVA DC)

Metering equipment and databases

EV Lab has access to specialized data logging equipment and PowerLabDK databases.

EV Lab

  • Vehicle data loggers (DTU developed)
  • Fleet management software (DTU developed)
  • Production energy and power meters at charging infrastructure (ABB,Thiim,DEIF)
  • databases for EV charging data storage

Testing equipment

EV Lab includes equipment that allows a component to be tested towards contemporary EV standards.

EV Lab

  • EV and EVSE IEC 61851 emulator boxes (DTU developed)
  • EV and EVSE IEC 15118 test equipment (DTU developed)