High Voltage Lab

Technical Specifications

The main task of the high voltage laboratory is to deliver a platform which enables investigations of power components and subsystems under high voltage and high current conditions as part of the PowerLabDK concept. Focus is on component performance in interaction with complex electric energy systems and with other environmental factors, hereby meeting the needs for power systems based on renewable energy systems.  

The exposure of components in the future power system requires far more detailed knowledge to their characteristics than the traditional 50 Hz approach suitable for load flow calculations. Broad band models have to be developed for implementation in future grid models.  

Research and development of electrical technologies for new design and design optimization of power components. This includes all types of components, with present focus mainly on wind turbine equipment and rotating machines.

Experimental investigations on power components for with respect to performance, reliability and broad band modeling. Tests are carried out on models and full size components with advanced test technologies for online and offline use. This includes diagnostic measurement systems for condition assessment of power components.

*Test against standards: PowerLabDK facilities are suitable for R&D related testing of electrical power components and systems against a wide range of relevant standards. Please do contact us regarding your specific request.







2 x 400kV, 45 – 60Hz  



 Up to 300kV +/-


Impulse Voltage:     

 Up to 1200kV +/-, pulse shape i.e. 1.2/50 s, 250/2500 s  


Impulse Current:

 Up to 100kA +/-, pulse shape i.e. 8/20 s


Other facilities:

 - EMC shielded room 
 - Material lab for sample preparation 
 - Dielectric analyses 
 - Tan  measurements 
 - Space charge formation in cables and dielectrics 
 - Partial discharge measurements 
 - Transient measurements 
 - Aging tests, tracking resistance 
 - Insulation withstand voltage  

13 JANUARY 2025