PowerLabDK - wind energy

Wind energy

We assist with both development and research to optimize drives and converters for wind turbines. We also perform analyses of how to better integrate wind energy in the market – We can help you make the right choices.

Wind turbine generator design
We can help you design and develop your own generator. This also includes if you have a special component or technology that you want to integrate into the design.
We also offer to help you optimise a current design if something does not work or if you simply want it to work better.

In terms of designing your own wind turbine we can assist you with design insights, testing and optimisation of your existing design solutions. This can span from sizing of generators, converters, and transformers, to integration of new materials or new solutions, and to specific performance optimisation of for example power load.
We also perform a number of characterisation tests on magnetic and electric materials. In addition, we can assist you in material and component supply chain optimisation and critical risk mitigation.

Condition monitoring
We can help you integrate and optimize your sensing layout, readout installed sensors, and develop the methods to better understand the condition of your components.
Electrical signals, magnetic sensors, vibration sensors and temperature gages - we can help you interpret the data and correlate it to the esti8mated lifetime of the components, which is essential for predictive maintenance schemes.

Control of the electrical machine
We offer optimisation and new solutions for current machine control and drive solutions. We will help you connecting the right drive with the right machine (performance wise) and optimise this relation or develop custom drive control optimised for your application.

Alternative technologies – Customised solutions
Bring any kind of technological suggestion to us and we will integrate it in your system in a way that makes sense for your production. This also includes any practically related measurements and data logs.

Troubleshooting your problems
If a part of your product does not work or has broken down, we can track down the origin of the error and report the cause. This can be followed by an optimisation of your design.

Wind energy integration
We can assess control solutions for balancing wind power based systems. By using our experimental platforms, we can create power systems including different mix of energy sources both islanded and grid connected. Photovoltaic units, storage systems (including electric vehicles) and controllable loads can be added along with two types of wind turbines in order to test strategies for controlling voltage and frequency and balance wind fluctuations.

Read more about PowerLabDK's Drives and Converter Lab
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